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What's supported

SEI integrates with a number of third-party providers to provide a centralized visibility on engineering work.

Integrations for SEI

SEI supports a number of plugins to integrate your dashboard with third-party providers. Please find the growing list of supported third-party integrations

The following table lists SEI support for platforms, repos, registries, and related technologies.

Type of integrationSCMCI/CDSecurityIssue Tracking and ManagementCommunication and collaborationOthers
  • Bitbucket
  • GitHub
  • Gitlab
  • Azure Repos
  • CircleCI
  • Drone
  • Jenkins
  • Harness
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Sonarqube
  • Jira
  • Azure Boards
  • Rally Software (BETA)
  • Slack
  • TestRail
  • Perforce Helix Server
  • Gerrit
  • Github Actions
  • Checkmarx
  • Snyk
  • Tenable
  • Coverity
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Pagerduty
  • ServiceNow
  • PostgreSQL
  • Salesforce
  • Splunk
  • Zendesk

The integrations categorized under the Others label are now available with basic support, and we are actively working towards expanding their capabilities in the near future.

For information about what's supported for other Harness modules and the Harness Platform overall, go to Supported platforms and technologies.

Harness SEI features

For highlights of key SEI features, go to Harness SEI overview and Harness SEI key concepts.

For information about upcoming and recently released features, go to the SEI release notes.

Harness SEI early access features

Some Harness SEI features are released behind feature flags to get feedback from a subset of customers before releasing the features to general availability.

You can opt-in to the early access (beta) features for Harness SEI described in the following table. Contact Harness Support to enable specific early access features in your Harness account. Include the feature flag or name with your request.

For more information about early access features, including early access features for the Harness Platform, delegate, and other Harness modules, go to Early access features.


To enable a feature flag in your Harness account, contact Harness Support. For the status of a feature flag, please note Beta, GA, Limited GA Feature Categorization in the descriptions below.

SEI_SHOW_TRELIS_NEW_INTERVALEnables Trellis Profile configuration using Trellis Factors at the Central Profile. This feature is in BETA.
SEI_NEW_COLLECTION_TREEEnable this feature if you want to use the new user experience for Collection Navigation under the Insights
RALLYEnables access to the SEI Rally integration used for integrating SEI with the Rally Software
SEI_THEME_BASED_DORAEnables you to configure the DORA profile to establish a theme-based correlation between Pull Requests and Deployments.
SEI_MTTR_PAGERDUTY_ENABLEDEnables you to measure the incident recovery time using the DORA MTTR report for the PagerDuty integration.
SEI_SHOW_HISTORICAL_FILTERSAllows you to configure the Issue Backlog Trend report to display historical data for the current issues
SEI_SHOW_ALL_METRICSAllows you to configure the Sprint Metrics Percentage Trend report using the new Sprint metrics
SEI_SERVICE_NOWIntegrate SEI with the ServiceNow Platform. This integration is still under development.
SEI_NEW_BA_PROFILESEnable this flag to access the new Business Alignment profile.
SEI_NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGETEnable this flag to access the new Business Alignment report.
SEI_BA_INCLUDE_UNRESOLVED_ISSUESAllows you to use the Business Alignment report to calculate alignment metrics for tickets that are in the In Progress status category and those that have been resolved (i.e., Done status category) within a specific duration of time.
SEI_IS_AZURE_NEW_ONB_ENABLEDAccess the new Azure DevOps integration onboarding with PAT authentication
SEI_GITLAB_NEW_ONBOARDING_FLOW_ENABLEDAccess the improved experience for configuring the GitLab integration.

Harness SEI features promoted to GA

Features promoted to general availability (GA) are removed from the early access features table and announced as new features in the SEI release notes. The SEI release notes also include features released directly to GA.

Here are some SEI early access features that were recently promoted to GA:

FlagDescriptionGA date
SEI_SHOW_DIAGNOSTIC_TILEA new Diagnostics page is added with two dedicated sections: Jobs status and Satellite status, providing users with the most up-to-date health status information for both Jobs and Ingestion SatelliteApril 2024
SEI_EASY_ONBOARDING_JIRAEnables access to the new user experience for connecting to Jira Cloud & Data Center using the Jira Connect AppApril 2024
SEI_EASY_ONBOARDING_GITHUBEnables access to the new user experience for connecting to GitHub Organization (Cloud) & GitHub Enterprise Server using the SEI GitHub AppApril 2024
SEI_SHOULD_ENABLE_REAUTHEnables access to new re-authorization user experience for a GitHub integrationApril 2024