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PagerDuty reports

PagerDuty is an incident response platform for IT departments. To analyze your PagerDuty data in SEI, set up a PagerDuty SEI integration, and then add PagerDuty reports to your Insights.

The PagerDuty integration can be configured with the DORA profile to measure the incident recovery time for your engineering team. This feature is an early access feature and is in BETA. To learn more, go to Measure incident recovery time using PagerDuty and the DORA MTTR report

List of deprecated reports
  • PagerDuty Ack Trend Report: Analyze the amount of time taken to acknowledge incidents.
  • PagerDuty After Hours Report
  • PagerDuty Alerts Report
  • PagerDuty Incident Report: Analyze the number of incidents.
  • PagerDuty Incident Trend Report: Analyze changes over time in the number of incidents.
  • PagerDuty Release Incidents
  • PagerDuty Response Report
  • PagerDuty Response Times Report: Analyze incident response times.
  • PagerDuty Stacks Report
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